about me

Hi there! Welcome to first time followers and welcome back for those people who may have taken a minute or two to figure out what the “about me” tab is all about…

If you’ve stumbled across my blog you are probably someone but most who is passionate about the power of social media, pr, marketing, lifestyle marketing, online communities, parenting, or my personal favorite, NY sports teams. This blog will most likely cover these topics and more, so welcome to the journey, and thanks for following.

A bit about me…I’m a bit of a foodie, I love throwing a dinner party, playing 9 holes of golf on a Sunday summer evening, and doing anything on or near the Atlantic Ocean..

I’m married to a beautiful woman and father of two precocious little boys. Love spending any and all of my time with the family and trying to soak up every memory and opportunity to learn from and with them.

I’m one of four siblings who grew up a son of an American Express executive who travelled the globe. I’ve been fortunate enough to see lots of the world and experience it alongside my older brother and sister, and my twin brother. Being a twin is pretty special.

And, I live in Boston, and am a NY sports fan- not ideal, but I get by…

I also spend a bit of time on facebook and twitter (@goodridge) so contact me there if you’d like to connect.


  1. Ty,

    You’re gid. Great little tidbit in the “about you” section and the photo section as well.
    Did I tell you that you are a good writer? Well, here’s goes – you are a GREAT writer

  2. Ty,

    I concur with Dave!

    Yur Gid!

  3. You need to update your employment status

    • Thanks Lighthouse- I just did- voila!

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